
Our service is consistently rated five stars

Our 5 years old son started stammering at the age of 3. It was very heart breaking to see our little one struggling to get his words out. We tried different things without any improvement and started to get really frustrated. We then got to know about Ms. Hulya and her speech and language services. We started taking sessions on a weekly basis and noticed a remarkable difference in just a couple of weeks time. We are about to complete the program, very happy and satisfied with the outcome. Our son has remained consistently fluent and his self confidence has markedly increased as well. We are very thankful to Ms. Hulya and highly recommend her services.

Our daughter also started having issues with her speech at around 3. As we were already aware of the issue, we consulted Hulya immediately and took therapy for her. She is now completely fluent and progressing well in her school.

Both our kids are doing well and we are very satisfied with the outcome of their treatment.

Highly recommend her services.

July 2023, via Google

We will be forever grateful for her expertise and experience which has aided our son to find his voice . Odin was diagnosed with verbal dyspraxia and was only able to say very few words at the age of 3 which were often mis- pronounced . After starting the speech and language therapy with Hulya and completing the homework provided , he has progressed immensely and is now able to talk and be understood by others in under 1 year . Hulya is confident and takes an individualised approach which my son gravitated towards . I would recommend this service to anyone that has speech or sound disorder . Thankyou so much

N Sergeant

June 2023, via Google

My 5 year old son had quite severe speech challenges which was not only affecting his own confidence it and was having an impact at school. As you can imagine we were incredibly concerned as it was affecting his educational development. After alot of searching on the internet i came across Articulate Kids and spoke with Hulya about our sons challenges. After a consultation my son began sessions with Huyla and i cannot thank her enough for helping our son improve his speech and confidence when speaking. The sessions and techniques used has transformed our son from one word answers to complete sentences, improved his dialect and provided us with the lessons and learning to keep helping our son. It was the best feeling to see my son grow and his speech improve so much.

I am truly thankful for all the help, patience, coaching and support you have provided my son and parents and could not recommend her highly enough.


March 2023, via Google, Bromley

Timothy loves to go for his sessions and never wants to leave. Progress is obvious, including eye contact and some words starting to come up from his mouth. I am so happy I found you, Hulya! Thank you for your help and support!

A Forslin

23-08-2021, via Google

Hulya has been outstanding. Quick to identify the issues that needed to be addressed with my daughters speech and then implemented an effective plan which started to produce results quickly. Hulya always provides clear guidance and resources so we can continue the work throughout the week at home. My daughters speech has improved significant and this has had a direct impact on her confidence as well. Both my wife and I are glad we made the decision to work with Hulya.

Mr G Hobson

24-09-2022, via Google

Hi Hulya, I hope you are well. Due to covid and financial difficulties we had to stop C’s speech therapy. Myself and P never got the chance to thank you for all your help. I truly feel if we had not brought C to you she would not be where she is now with her speech.

You gave us the tools we needed to help her gain her voice and communicate and for that we will be forever grateful. You would not believe how much she talks now its amazing and she can now communicate what makes her feel anxious and we can guide her though situations so much easier now ! So thank you again for all your help we really do appreciate all the help and support you gave us.

(From a client who has a pre-school child with Autism)

January 2022

I have just completed the last session with Hulya after going to her with both of my children who had stammers. I had always dreamt of this day when I would have two completely fluent children but never believed it would happen. I nearly gave up a couple of times as the lidcombe is very parent based and takes its toll but Hulya gently encouraged me with lots of different ideas and ways to go forward. she was always there to ask questions and help.

I cannot recommend Hulya enough. she was fantastic with the children and easy to talk to and came up with ideas that really worked.

I know Hulya has changed my childrens lives forever and being stammer free has given my son so much more confidence. To anyone thinking of starting this journey… go for it!!!



When our daughter first started speech therapy with Hulya she was three years old and unable to say simple sounds or phrases including her own name, and family members names. It was heart breaking to see her struggle to communicate with people as they just didn’t know what she was saying- which lead to a lot of tantrums and upset.

Hulya used techniques that allowed our daughter to progress steadily each week, building up sounds and phrases. It was the best feeling to hear her say Mummy for the first time aged 3 and half! A memory I will never forget.

She has since started school, and continues to thrive, those that didn’t know her before the intensive speech therapy had no idea what struggles she had previously had.

We are so thankful for the skills and patience of Hulya and couldn’t recommend her highly enough.

Seven year old boy with speech disorder

When I heard my son talk after Hulya’s 3rd session it was like a little miracle. Now my son knows the speech problem isn’t something he has to live with.  My son had some issues with his speech, pronouncing “K”, “Th” , “l” sounds when he started school. He was referred to the NHS speech therapy unit when he was 6, but it wasn’t deemed bad enough for proper treatment. By the time my son was eight he had become withdrawn as other children teased him at school. I wondered if this is how he was and I should just accept it? I decided to contact local speech therapist, Hulya Mehmet, for a second opinion. In Hulya’s first session with my son, she assured me there was no physical problem, and by the third session Hulya had worked with my son to overcome his specific problems…it was like a little miracle.



5 year old with stammer

Just wanted to say thanks for all your help and patience with us… Probably the most difficult twosome you’ve had to treat!Thanks for the encouraging, understanding words. Definitely all worth it for the wee man.

Mr Patel

05 Nov 2015

Very grateful to have had the pleasure of watching Hulya work with my son over the past year. She is extremely professional and experienced and N really enjoys his sessions with her. We noticed a great improvement in his speech and social skills and it’s been great to see our son progress and also gain in confidence. Thanks Hulya 🙂

March 2023, via Google

It was my first tome meeting Hulya today woth my son for a assessment she was excellent in putting a plan together for nmy son cant wait to start our sessions . Im feeling a lot more positive about things already and i can feel she is going to be jusy what we have been looking for.

I Thompson


We attended an assessment with Hulya with our two year old son. He has not started speaking yet and we are not sure why. The assessment W as very informative, gave us lots to think about and we have already booked some follow on sessions. Would highly recommend. Hulya is excellent.

November 2020

My Son started speech and language therapy with Hulya at the age of 6. Hulya very quickly identified and worked on his specific difficulties. It became apparent that the level of support my Son was receiving at mainstream school was not adequate to meet his learning needs. His confidence and self esteem were beginning to suffer and in order to stop him disengaging with education, he required more specialist support within a specialist school.

We decided to apply for an EHCP through our borough. Hulya’s comprehensive and professional speech and language report was instrumental in obtaining my Sons EHCP and subsequently his placement at his specialist school. I truly believe that if we had not been able to achieve this outcome, my Son would have lost all self esteem and would be facing a very difficult future.

I can not thank her enough for her outstanding advice and support throughout the process.



Two years ago we needed a speech therapist to see our daughter, we looked online and I came across Articulate Kids. I rang and spoke to Hulya who gave me the time on the phone to tell her my concerns and because of this we went to see her for the initial consultation. It definitely was the best thing we ever did.

Straight away Hulya worked her lessons around what best suited Olivia and how to get the best from her and Olivia looked forward to going every week, Hulya became her favourite person and I believe this to be because of the kindness and patience Hulya gave Olivia in every single session.

We knew we had to commit ourselves to the sessions for however long it would take to work on Olivia’s speech sounds. As any parent I was continually worried but Hulya always reassured me which is what I needed as an overthinking mum.

We soon saw a difference in Olivia in both her sounds and in her sentences, this was a young girl who couldn’t be understood when speaking, she couldn’t say her own name or sisters names clearly. The day she could tell children her name clearly was amazing as this would socially help her interact. It had been discussed with us Olivia might have to go to a speech unit but when we went back to have her reassessed after sessions with Hulya, they couldn’t believe the progress she had made and we were informed she could go to main stream with her twin sister, which was exactly what we had wanted.

Once Olivia had nearly completed all her sound work we noticed she had developed a noticeable stammer so we decided to do the lidcombe program and again it was the best decision. I never thought Olivia would be able to speak clearly or be stammer free but Hulya told me to be patient and when we finally got to the end of the journey it was emotional to see the amazing change in Olivia.

As parents we can’t thank Hulya enough for her patience, knowledge and commitment to Olivia.

Twelve year old boy with Developmental Verbal Dyspraxia

We are so grateful to Hulya for identifying our son’s difficulty and treating him. His confidence was low and having started secondary school we were concerned he may be bullied due to his speech problem. We were worried that he may be resistant to therapy. Hulya chatted with our son and explained DVD in a way that left him postive and keen to start. She taught him breathing techniques, voice control and clear articulation. In twelve sessions the change was incredible, he was less stressed, stopped avoiding conversations and sounded so clear. He even started telling the rest of the family to speak more clearly!

Twelve year old girl with specific language impairment (SLI)

Hulya is an amazing person who has helped me loads! I was diagnosed with word finding difficulties and she helped me understand what that meant and what would help. She has a lovely smile that made me feel welcome and safe. Hulya is a very friendly and loyal person, not only helping me understand she helped my parents and teachers understand so they know what to do to help me. I highly recommend Hulya for she as a very clever lady that will help anyone she can.


Aged 12

Four year old girl with stammer and sibling three year old girl with

Hulya has worked with two of my children and they always found it a lot of fun.  The time spent was very effective and we saw the results quickly.  I would thoroughly recommend Hulya and indeed, I have done to friends. (Lidcombe Therapy for Stuttering & Articulation Therapy for Speech Delay)

Karen P

04 Jan 2017

My son has worked with Hulya for over a year now. He has made significant improvements during this time because the intervention is specifically tailored to his needs. Hulya is friendly, professional, very knowledgeable and has given us practical tasks that we can implement at home to support the therapy sessions. My son enjoys his sessions and is able to make good eye contact now and follow instructions. We are very happy with the service provided.

Mr R Price


Great service. Highly recommend Hulya. I have been searching for a speech and language therapist for some time and am so pleased to have found one that is very professional and quick at getting results. We are happy and look forward to continuing with Hulya.

B Daws


Thank you Hulya, and thank you so much for all the help you have given James….he has come so far and made such good progress, which has given him confidence in himself and socially amongst his peers. I will be in touch on his progress.

James enjoyed very much all the time he came to see you and often asked if he was seeing you. He will miss seeing you!

Six year old girl with speech (and language) level of a 4year old

Hulya helped my daughter Chloe enormously. She was friendly, positive and professional at all times. Chloe really looked forward to the speech therapy sessions with her; she gained so much confidence and her speech improved dramatically. 7 months ago we could hardly understand what Chloe was saying, which was very frustrating for her and for us. Now Chloe’s speech is age appropriate and she is a happy and confident little girl. To any concerned parent, I can think of no-one better than Hulya!

Mrs A.W


Six year old boy with speech disorder

We couldn’t thank Hulya enough! She has been brilliant with our 6 year old boy and couldn’t believe how much difference a few lessons gave. Not only did she help our boy with his sounds he was struggling with but with her help his confidence came on leaps and bounds.



I have found Hulya to be a highly professional and knowledgeable Speech and Language Therapist, devoted to the parents and children she helps. Myself and my daughter have always felt at ease with Hulya as she is also friendly and compassionate. Hulya has been able to quickly assess my daughter and isolate her issues very effectively, then advising and supporting us through to understanding and helping her with various strategies. I think for me though as a parent of a child with communication difficulties it has been just such an immense relief to find a professional who will really listen to me as a parent and understand, then assess my child, in turn allowing me to help and understand her more. As a family we will always be grateful for Hulyas help and support.

Mrs A


Five year old boy with a stammer

Our son had a very persistent stutter. We were very concerned that he would go through life being picked on by his peers. His stutter not only affected his ability to converse but also dented his confidence. He was stressed and frustrated. We got in touch with Hulya. She recommended the Lidcombe program. With Hulya’s help, we now have a son who does not stutter over every word and has grown in confidence. He is now a very happy boy and whilst very occasionally there is the odd stammer, these are few and far between. In short, we are thrilled with his progress and how he feels about himself. Huge thanks to Hulya for her patience and determination to “fix” our little boy!

Twins: Three year old girl with speech and language delay. Three year old girl with speech disorder. Five year old boy with stammer. Parents both doctors.

Our twin daughters were presenting with challenging behaviour due to their difficulty speaking with others. Our son developed a stammer when starting pre-school, by Reception we could see it was affecting his confidence. Our bright children seemed held back by their communication issues. We saw a few therapists, including on Harley Street, to no avail. When we meet Hulya she explained the results expertly and advised a treatment plan which instilled confidence in us. She also understood my concerns as a mother, I felt listened to and respected. Hulya was able to successfully treat all the children. They had fun in every session and looked forward to seeing her, perhaps a bit too much, long after our son’s stammer had gone, he kept asking if Hulya could come back! They are all older now, the twins are doing so well at school and our son is an aspiring doctor. I still keep in touch with Hulya and always tell her the same thing about the sessions ‘best money ever spent!’.

Mrs D
