
How do I book?  Booking an appointment is quick and easy. Simply click BOOK ONLINE to view services, fees and availability. Once booked, the appointment is instantly confirmed, via email.

Can I reschedule or cancel my booking?  Yes! Absolutely. Once an appointment is booked the client receives a link to manage their schedule, the appointment can be rescheduled or cancelled via the link.

Cancelled appointments: a full refund is given in accordance with our service terms / cancellation policy.

Any questions? We’ve got it covered. Most questions parents have are answered on our website.

Get in touch with a Therapist. We are on hand and happy to answer questions. Please drop us a line using the contact form and a therapist will be in touch within 48 hours. Thank you.

    Please note we do NOT accept drop-in visits.​

    Appointments by prior arrangement only.


    020 3858 0765

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